الاحتياط من “الالتهام السريع” لتفادي الجوع الدائم

الاحتياط من "الالتهام السريع" لتفادي الجوع الدائم
If you constantly feel hungry, it may be due to stress levels, drinking habits, and other factors. The continuous feeling of hunger is interpreted as a physiological need for calories and is caused by several factors, including diet, appetite hormones, and emotional factors such as stress. The following are reasons that justify the constant feeling of hunger, according to a report published by CNN:
– Lack of sleep: Lack of sleep leads to an increase in the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and a decrease in the hormone leptin, which causes a feeling of fullness. Therefore, you should ensure you get 7-8 hours of sleep at night to regulate appetite hormones and obtain enough energy.
– Thirst: The body may confuse thirst with hunger, so you should drink a glass of water in the morning and wait to see if the feeling of hunger subsides.
– Simple carbohydrates: Simple carbohydrates such as sugars and white flour lead to a rapid rise and fall in blood sugar levels, increasing the feeling of hunger. It is preferable to replace simple carbohydrates with complex carbohydrates such as fiber found in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
– Stress: Stress increases adrenaline and cortisol hormones, which increases appetite and decreases serotonin hormone, leading to increased hunger. Therefore, practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga is recommended to control stress.
– Eating quickly: It is recommended to wait at least 20 minutes after eating before deciding to eat more. This helps you feel full and ensure that you have consumed an adequate amount of food.